Sample gallery images
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Επιμορφωτικά Σεμινάρια Επιμορφωτών
Πρόγραμμα Μέτρων Επιμόρφωσης Πολλαπλασιαστών Σχολικών Συμβούλων Γενικής και Ειδικής Εκπαίδευσης
Πρόγραμμα Επιμόρφωσης Επιμορφωτών - Πολλαπλασιαστών 1η Φάση
All JoomlaShine templates can be effortlessly configured by template parameters. In template setting page, you will find 16 template parameters arranged into logical groups for convenient operation.
Most parameters are designed that way that you can simply select options without confusion about what value to define. All parameters are equipped with description text for easier understanding.
Parameters to control layout dimensions
In our templates all wordings of both back-end and front-end are moved to separated language files, so you can easily translate them into any language you want.
Interactive images presentation by JSN ImageShow extension
Please be aware that the responsive design is available only in the template version for Joomla 2.5
All templates have special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.
Unlike other template providers, we do not develop something that looks like a mobile app with heavy menu and animation. We built compact and lightweight version of the template preserving the whole original look-and-feel.
Mobile layout overview
Module positions in mobile layout
Mobile layout has 8 dedicated module positions, where you can show modules specifically designed for mobile edition. Additionally, you can use template parameter Position Mapping to present modules from regular positions in mobile positions.
Mobile layout overview on Ipad
Desktop layout overview on Ipad
Article presentation (com_content)
News feeds presentation (com_newsfeeds)
We optimized HTML overrides for all default Joomla! extensions to make them looks neat in mobile edition. The work is mainly focused on rearrangement content from columns to rows.
For mobile edition, we have built very simple, yet effective menu system, where all children menu items are presented as tree in collapsible panel. This menu system utilizes only little Javascript (MooTool) for expanding/collapsing submenu panels and is very fast and lightweight.
Special designed mobile menu system
Children menu items are presented as tree
You just need to put the menu module to mobile position mainmenu-m and it will automatically obtain appropriate look-n-feel. All module settings are the same as for regular main menu. Additionally, you can use template parameter Position Mapping to present menu module from regular position mainmenu in mobile position mainmenu-m.
Mobile menu with icons applied
Mobile menu with rich text
The mobile feature is enabled on live demo. You can see in real time how the template works on your mobile device.
JSN Solid is natively compatible with both Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.x. The installation package is compatible with both Joomla CMS.
In Customer Area, you can choose to download appropriate installation file for the Joomla! version you are using.
Πράξη «Πρόγραμμα μέτρων εξατομικευμένης υποστήριξης μαθητών με αναπηρίες ή/και ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες για τη μεγιστοποίηση της ακαδημαϊκής και κοινωνικής τους ανάπτυξης με τη χρήση Νέων Τεχνολογιών και Ψηφιακού Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού»
Πράξη «Πρόγραμμα μέτρων εξατομικευμένης υποστήριξης μαθητών με αναπηρίες ή/και ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες για τη μεγιστοποίηση της ακαδημαϊκής και κοινωνικής τους ανάπτυξης με τη χρήση Νέων Τεχνολογιών και Ψηφιακού Εκπαιδευτικού Υλικού» ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΣΗΣ 2ης Φάσης.
Υπόλοιπη Ομάδα
Διαμαντή Βασιλική Ψυχολόγος
Σταγάκη Φερενίκη Κοινωνική Λειτουργός
Μαστοράκη Ελένη Κοινωνική Λειτουργός
Κυριακοπούλου Χριστίνα Εργοθεραπεύτρια
Μποντσιου Θεοδώρα Λογοθεραπεύτρια
Μπομπαρίδου Χρυσή Εσωτερική Αξιολόγηση
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